Dr. Julien FRANCK

Associate Professor

Laboratoire PRISM - Unité Inserm 1192
Université de Lille - Campus Cité Scientifique
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
Département de Biologie
Avenue Paul Langevin - Bâtiment SN3 - 1er étage - Porte 121
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex

Tel : +33 (0)3 20 43 40 56
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Scopus Author ID: 24502995900



  • 2001-2004
    Bachelor Degree in Material Sciences
    Université Paris 6, Paris, France
  • 2004-2005
    Master Degree in Applied & Fundamental Chemistry C
    Speciality : Analytical Physicochemistry, Oganic and biooragnic chemistry
    Université Paris 6, Paris, France
    Trainign: Laboratoire des Courses Hippiques/ Horse Races Lab. (Dr. Marie Agnès Popot)
    Determination of the detection time of meclofenamic acide in horse urine by GC/EI MS
  • 2005-2006
    Master 2 Degree in Analytical Physicochemistry
    Université Paris 6, Paris, France
    Training: Laboratoire de Synthèse, Structure et Fonction de molécules bio-actives, CNRS-UMR 7613, (Dr. C. Afonso)
    Gaz phase behavior of phosphorylated peptides cationised by copper II
  • 2006-2009
    PhD in Helath Biology
    Université Lille1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
    Laboratoire de Neuroimmunologie des Annélides, CNRS UMR 8017(supervisor: Pr I. Fournier)
    Development of Bottom-Up Identification Strategies for MALDI MS Imaging
  • 2009
    Postdotorate position
    Université Paris 6, Paris, France
    Laboratoire des molécules, plate forme de spectrométrie de masse et protéomique, UFR 926-UMR 7203 (DR. Gérard Bolbach)
    Fundamental of MALDI Processes
  • 2010-2012
    Assitant Professor
    Université Lille 1, France
    Laboratoire de Spectrométrie de Masse Biologique Fondamentale & Appliquée, EA 4550
    Development of In situ Identification Strategies from Tissues for MALDI MS Imaging

Scientific societies

  • Member of French Society for Mass Spectrometry (SFSM)
  • Membre of Young Inverstigator of the French Society for Mass Spectrometry (RCJSM)
  • Member of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS)


5 Masters M2 &1 bachelor degree

  • 2007
    Master 2 Recherche Interface Physicochimie du vivant, Mohamed El Ayed
    N-Terminal Derivatization of Peptides for De novo Sequencing on Tissue Sections
  • 2009
    Master 2 Protéomique, Rémi Longuespée
    High Mass Proteins Detection for MALDI MS Imaging
  • 2011
    Master 2 International Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry (ASC), Maryna Kuzminska
    Improving identification of Proteins Directly from Tissue Sections for MALDI MS Imaging
  • 2011
    Bachelor Degree, Ecole Nationale Supérieur de Chimie de Lille, Elise Vanbiervliet
    Synthesis of C18 Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles
  • 2012
    Master 2 Protéomique, Morgane Lippens
    Proteomics Analysis of Alzheimer Mice Models Tissues by MALDI MS Imaging
  • 2012
    Master 2 Master 2 International Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry (ASC), Ariana Dias de Oliveira
    MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging and identification of proteins from tissue sections


  • 2005-2006
    University Excellence Grant
  • 2006-2009
    French Ministery of Researhc and higher Education, PhD grant
  • 2009-2010
    National Research Agency (ANR) grant, postdoctorate position ANR Blanche « Fun MALDI », coordinator Dr. G. Bolbach

Scientific production

  • 13 publications in international reviews including 1 review
  • 2 patents
  • 4 invited book chapters
  • 15 oral communications orales including 7 on invitation
  • 7 posters in international conferences