Associate Professor

Laboratoire PRISM - Unité Inserm 1192
Université de Lille - Campus Cité Scientifique
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
Département de Biologie
Avenue Paul Langevin - Bâtiment SN3 - 1er étage - Porte 121
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex

Tel : +33 (0)3 20 43 40 56
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ResearcherID: F-4380-2010
Scopus Author ID: 56028414300
Loop profile: 128509



  • Since Sept 2007 Associated Professor, University of Lille 1, CNRS FRE 3249, Pr. M. Salze
  • Nov. 2006-August 2007 Temporary assistant professor position, University of Lille 1, CNRS-UMR 8017, Pr. M. Salzet
  • Oct. 2006 PhD in Proteomics, University of Lille 1, CNRS-UMR 8017 supervised by DR. I. Fournier

Professional Experience

Since 2003 my main research subject was the development of a new technique of molecular imaging based on the MALDI mass spectrometry imaging. The main aspect of this project is to allow direct localization of molecules on a tissue section (frozen or FFPE tissue) by improving the treatment of the tissue along with identification of peptides/proteins. I’m also in charge of the development of a new technique using liquid microjunction extraction and laser ablation droplet capture for the identification of biomarkers involved in ovarian cancers.

Domain of expertise
Mass spectrometry imaging, MALDI Ion source, TOF-TOF and Orbitrap analyzers, Peptides/Proteins identification


  • Partner of project MASDA-EYE (ANR Piribio 2010-2012)
  • Partner of project inSIDE (ANR JC 2012-2015)
  • Research Subvention 2012 La ligue contre le cancer

Professional Activities 

  • Member of selection committee for assistant professor recruitment (section 68, since 2010)
  • Member of administration committee of university animal housing facility (since 2010)
  • Member of the French Mass Spectrometry Society and of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry
  • Chairman of the 27th French Mass Spectrometry Conference, 2010
  • Associate editor for Journal of Integrated -OMICS
  • Journal reviewer: Bioanalysis Bioanalysis 
     Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 
     - Oncogene 
     - Journal of Tissue Science & Engineering 
     - Journal of Proteomics 
     - Analytical Chemistry
  • Grant Review panels and Study sections: 
    - Association nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT, France) pour les Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la Recherche (CIFRE)
    - Fonds pour la Formation à la recherche dans l’industrie et dans l’agriculture (FRIA, belgium)
  • Student Fellows
    - Master Dissertation Committee : 2011, Marie Demeyer, grade légal de Maître en Sciences Chimiques, Chimie Organique, Univ. De Mons, Belgique (rapporteur). 
    - 2006/11 Mentoring of Masters candidates at FABMS laboratory, University of Lille 1
  • Invited Seminars in Foreign Universities
    - Interdisciplinary Doctoral School 2012 :Imagery and Mass Spectrometry, Namur, belgium, 2012

Highlights for research activities and significant results

Developments in MALDI Imaging:

  • Development of new strategies for identification of molecules on tissue section by using extraction by liquid micro-junction
  • Direct tissue analysis by laser ablation droplet capture
  • New strategies development for FFPE tissue analysis for clinical studies
  • Tissue treatments for proteome analysis
  • Development of strategies for HMW proteins localization by MALDI Imaging
  • Development of specific mass spectrometry imaging (Tag-Mass) allowing indirect analysis of mRNA, antibodies, large proteins, drugs…
  • Fundamental study of sample metallization prior to mass spectrometry analysis
  • Development of a new system of mask for increasing the molecular image resolution

Biological applications:

  • Application to ovarian cancer for early stage biomarkers characterization
  • Studies of neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson, ALS)
  • Neurobiological development
  • Study of toxicity of BAK in ophthalmology
  • Application to marine biology
  • Adaptation of MALDI Imaging to invertebrate model