
MS4Omics expand its service capacity in proteogenomics (Alternative Proteins), MS Imaging (ex vivo to in vivo) & multiplexing, cultural heritage & paleoproteomics, Spatial omics to single cell and MS structural by interactomic approaches (BioID, Cross-Link MS). Additionally, the platform has an important expertise of clinical samples with large cohorts especially EVs from biological fluids (plasma, urine, CSF, amniotic liquid).
MS4Omics can treat from the simplest questions (identification of proteins from fully sequenced organisms) as the most complex ones (quantification of variations, dynamics of post-translational modifications, identification of proteins of non-sequenced genomes, interactomics, MS imaging...) since its expertise is not limited to the analytical part but ranges from the sample preparation to the data processing.
MS4Omics will expand the capacity of ProFI services through specific services:
  • Biological and clinical sample preparation independently the sample type (cells, tissue, EVs, organoids) and conservation/age (Frozen, Fixed, Formalin Fixed and Paraffin Embedded (FFPE);
  • MS Imaging (MALDI-MSI, DESI-MSI, SpiderMass) of peptides, proteins, metabolites, and lipids form fresh frozen or FFPE samples (retrospective cohorts), or exogenous compounds (drugs, xenobiotics); Drug screening and quantification from 2D and 3D cell cultures and drug monitoring by MALDI MSI at high throughput and/or high resolution.
  • Specific data processing for the identification of alternative proteins issued from non-coding alternative ORF (including non-coding regions) or from not sequenced species.
  • Holistic identification and quantitation of complex mixture from short peptides to truncated proteins generated in the food industry and chemically modified protein for biocompatible materials.
  • Identification of ancient proteins in the cultural heritage field and in archaeology and paleontology.

more information in that link 

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